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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 1 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 1)(January 1994).iso / Cordant / US English / HIAR / HIAR-68K / More Images / TIFFSpec.080 (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1994-08-03  |  12KB  |  1728x2500
Labels: bulletin board | chat room | reckoner | road | sky
OCR: 5.0 Appandices t0 find the best compromise Lor your device. For some applications it may be useful to le the user make the final decision Intere stingly most RGE images compressed slightly betier using Planar Contiguration=] Onc thinl comjressing the red green and iblue difference planes separately Planar onfiguratior=2) might give better Iresults than mixing the differences together before cornpressing (Planar Configuration= 1) but this does you appear t0 be the cse Incidentally we tried taking both horizontal and I vertical differences. but the extra complexity nt twn- dimensional I differencing P!P not appear t pay off for most our lest images Abou third of the images pessa duor stighuy better with two-dimensional differencing abou ore third compressed slightly WorSO and the rest were a ...